تخطي الملاحة

يحتوي هذا الموضوع رد واحد ، لديه 1صوت.

آخر تحديث بواسطة Alexander قبل 8 أشهر، أسبوعين.

يساعده: Mihai Apetrei.

مؤلف المقالات
مايو 22, 2024في 10:47 ص #15657209


Background of the issue:
I was trying to complete a translation using the WPML plugin. I clicked the Complete Translation button, but the expected behavior did not occur.

When I hit the Complete Translation button, instead of changing to a pen icon, it turned into a gear icon, indicating that the translation is not complete.

Why does the gear icon appear instead of the pen icon when I click the Complete Translation button?
How can I ensure that the translation completes successfully and shows the pen icon?