تخطي الملاحة


يحتوي هذا الموضوع رد واحد ، لديه 1صوت.

آخر تحديث بواسطة maciejU قبل 1 سنة، 10 أشهر.

يساعده: Subash Chandra Poudel.

مؤلف المقالات
مارس 15, 2023في 9:30 ص


I am having a ticket open with one of the supporters but the problem still persists. The translations are done in theory, but the status update is still awaiting for the translation status to be updated. I am not sure which one are translated and which one are not. Is there any way to check it manually and update the translation status? It's been like this for the last two days. One of the supporters said to update the post/product and the trigger should start the job and update the status. For some of the posts/products it worked but for some of them it didn't.

مارس 15, 2023في 10:17 ص