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المنطقة الزمنية الداعمة: Asia/Karachi (GMT+05:00)

الوسوم: ,

يحتوي هذا الموضوع رد واحد ، لديه 1صوت.

آخر تحديث بواسطة robertoO-5 قبل 1 سنة، 9 أشهر.

يساعده: Noman.

مؤلف المقالات
مايو 29, 2023في 8:16 ص #13729675


Hi, this is my situation:

1. Months ago exported and uploaded my website and WPML translations to a staging website.
2. I worked on my staging and created templates, installed new plugins, did some good work, in the end.
3. I HAD to update the origin site, and automatically translate all missing translations to french (for products only).

Is there a way to update French translations in the staging website?

الموضوع '[مغلق] Is there a way to update French translations in the staging website? ' مغلق أمام الردود الجديدة.