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آخر تحديث بواسطة usahello قبل 1 سنة، 10 أشهر.

يساعده: Lauren.

مؤلف المقالات
أبريل 3, 2023في 6:55 م #13393661


I'm using WPML's ATE and I am working on translating custom ACF Gutenberg blocks. However, in the ATE I'm seeing ACF Field Group elements appearing even though I have the "Field Groups (acf-field-group)" set to "Not translatable" in WPML's settings. How do I remove those from appearing in the ATE when translating posts?

Solution: https://wpml.org/errata/advanced-custom-fields-multilingual-the-group-fields-title-and-labels-are-translatable-by-default/