تخطي الملاحة

Astra قالب موصى به بفضل التزامه بالتوافق المتواصل والشراكة مع WPML. Astra متوافق تمامًا مع WPML.


– المطور: Brainstorm Force

آخر اختبار في: فبراير 27, 2024

Astra offers entire pre-built websites and pixel-level customization options in a package that requires less than 50 KB of resources. Pair it with your favorite page builder or set your own colors, fonts, containers, headers, sidebars, footers, and more.

Astra keeps your site running fast and loads in just 0.5 seconds. Plus, it integrates with WooCommerce and is SEO friendly and accessibility ready.

Astra Pro includes 6 different site layouts and extended header and footer features to further customize your site.

المشكلات المعروفة

المشكلات غير المحلولة حتى الآن:

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