

Reported for: WPML GraphQL 1.0.0

Topic Tags: Bug, Compatibility

Overview of the issue

When using GraphQL and utilizing a query similar to the following to retrieve Custom Post Types by slug, you will discover that it functions only for the posts in the default language:

query getArticlesByslug {
  article(id: "your-slug-goes-here", idType: SLUG) {


Please, make sure of having a full backup of your site before proceeding.

  • Open your theme’s functions.php file.
  • Add this code:
    add_filter('request', function($vars){
    	if ( is_graphql_http_request() && !empty($vars['name']) ) {
    		$vars['suppress_filters'] = true;
    	return $vars;

9 返答 へ “WPML GraphQL - Fails to Fetch Single Custom Post Type by Slug Based”

  1. We are are also experiencing this problem.
    We have a custom post type called “Teacher” – the URI for a specific teacher is “/underviser/karsten-lund/” in danish, and “/en/teacher/karsten-lund/” in english.
    When i query the contentNode by using:
    contentNode(id: “/underviser/karsten-lund/”, idType: URI) {

    I get the expected teacher
    But if i query:
    contentNode(id: “/en/teacher/karsten-lund/”, idType: URI) {

    I get null.

    • If the workaround here provided doesn’t work for your case, please open a chat in our assistance channel.
      We have the require tools for investigating your case there.

  2. Hi Andrés and WPML team,

    The workaround work for me but I got another problem:

    Below is my current query:
    query GetPostBySlug($slug: ID!) {
    post(id: $slug, idType: URI) {

    When I’m querying with second language, I got the same result:
    query GetPostBySlug {
    post(id: “/vi/hello-world/”, idType: URI) {

    “data”: {
    “post”: {
    “title”: “The journey has just started!”

    Expeceted result:
    “data”: {
    “post”: {
    “title”: “Hanh trinh moi bat dau”


Please stay on topic and be respectful to others. If you need help with issues not related to this post, use our Support Forum to start a chat or submit a ticket.

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