

WP-Optimize – Clean, Compress, Cache は、WPMLとの互換性およびパートナーシップを継続する推奨プラグインです。 WP-Optimize – Clean, Compress, Cache はWPMLとの完全互換性を示します。

WP-Optimize – Clean, Compress, Cache

– 開発者 UpdraftPlus

バージョン 3.3.2

テスト最終日: 6月 20, 2024

WP-Optimize optimizes your site and makes it more efficient. It cleans your database automatically by clearing out drafts, pingbacks, trash, and spam. It compresses large images with lossy or lossless compression options. And it caches your site and preloads the cache for a faster site.

Also compatible is the Premium Version which includes multisite support, lazy loading, advanced optimization options, premium support, and more.

WP-Optimize work on WPML powered sites out of the box with no special configurations.


このプラグインとWPMLの間に未解決の互換性問題はありません。 すべての既知の問題を検索。