
WPML 3.2 is now done with all testing and is ready to run production sites. This week, we are still not pushing it as an automated update, but you can download manually from your WPML.org account. We are doing manual updates this week, so that you can choose where to upgrade and have more control over your sites.

Attention ICanLocalize clients

WPML 3.2 doesn’t support ICanLocalize. Please wait with your upgrade until version 3.2.1 is released. We are working to complete it ASAP. Then, WPML will arrive with automated updates.

The major new features in WPML 3.2 are listed in WPML 3.2 changelog entry. These include a new workflow for the Translation Management, new translation services, better taxonomy translation much improved performance and more.

Why Manual Updates?

WPML 3.2 include heavy rewrites of much of the code. It comes with new features, many fixes and a lot of overall improvements. In our testing, we tried to cover as many themes and plugins as we could. We are also running WPML 3.2 on our own sites and it’s all working smoothly.

We know that such a big update may have corner cases with different code. So, we have suspended the automatic updates and are encouraging clients to update manually. This way, if your site has any issues, we can help you faster.

How to Install WPML 3.2

Please log in to your WPML.org account and click on Downloads. Download all of WPML’s components that you are using. Go to your site, deactivate WPML and its components, delete and the upload again. You can see how to do this in this short clip:

Be sure to update all the components that you are using. You should not use a mixture of old and new WPML components.

Questions? Suggestions? Feedback?

Please leave your comments here and we will reply. If you need any technical help, create new threads in our technical support forum. All our team is trained on the new features of WPML 3.2 and will be happy to assist.