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Эта тема содержит 0 ответов, имеет 1 голос.

Последнее обновление: Boris 5 месяцев, 2 недели назад.

При содействии: Waqas Bin Hasan.

Автор Записи
27 сентября, 2024 на 6:26 дп


Background of the issue:
I am sending a page with a number of regular Gutenberg blocks (heading, paragraph) through the translation process, to translate it myself via the ATE. Memory for the website is set at 512MB just to be sure. I've disabled all plugins except WPML and reverted to standard Astra theme.

Many of the Gutenberg blocks are missing in the ATE. If I type in some of that text in the Search content field, the content comes right up. I've seen this happen before with URL fields, but never with regular paragraphs.

Why are many of the Gutenberg blocks missing in the ATE?
How can I ensure all Gutenberg blocks appear in the ATE?

27 сентября, 2024 на 7:04 дп