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Часовой пояс сторонника: Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh (GMT+07:00)


Эта тема содержит 0 ответов, имеет 1 голос.

Последнее обновление: dmitriS-6 2 дней, 5 часов назад.

При содействии: Long Nguyen.

Автор Записи
19 сентября, 2024 на 7:55 дп #16196455


Background of the issue:
I need to put language switchers on mobile one on top of the other nicely. I used the second method Noman suggested for Ticket #16141968.
I have 2 different menus for desktop and mobile so I do not have to put additional CSS to make them invisible on other devices.

I created a secondary menu for mobile to make the language switchers the first item there.

They (RU and ET) have different paddings to the left of them. I want them to have the same padding and to be one on top of the other nicely.

How can I position the language switchers one on top of the other nicely on mobile?
I am attaching screenshots of how it looks now on mobile. And the other one - how it looked nicely when they were the last items.

Noman, thank you very much for your detailed instructions. They are very helpful indeed. Sorry I could not reply rightaway, as we were migrating the site, and I wanted to finish this after migration. But the migration failed and the site owners asked me to make all necessary changes now before new migration.

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