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Эта тема содержит 0 ответов, имеет 1 голос.

Последнее обновление: norbertC-4 1 неделя, 2 дней назад.

При содействии: Shekhar Bhandari.

Автор Записи
12 сентября, 2024 на 8:57 дп #16169647


Background of the issue:
I try to upload xliff files after correcting them to change jobid. Some time ago, we sent xliff files to our translators. Those files came back but I was unable to import them because they do not belong to this system. I checked how to correct this on the support forum and changed the identifier (file original=) in the translated file.

Le travail de traduction (481) ne vous a pas été assigné

How can I resolve the error 'Le travail de traduction (481) ne vous a pas été assigné' when uploading corrected xliff files?
Is there a specific way to change the identifier in the translated file to avoid import issues?

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