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Эта тема содержит 0 ответов, имеет 0 голоса.

Последнее обновление: machsomW 1 месяц, 2 недели назад.

При содействии: Dražen.

Автор Записи
16 декабря, 2024 на 10:50 дп #16516775


Background of the issue:
I am working on a site under development and using WPML. In my WordPress taxonomy, I have names that I do not want to translate. I want these names to remain the same in both Hebrew and English.

I am unsure how to configure WPML to keep certain taxonomy names untranslated across different languages.

How can I configure WPML to keep certain taxonomy names untranslated?
Is there a specific setting in WPML to manage untranslated taxonomy names?