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Последнее обновление: gazmendS 2 месяца назад.

При содействии: Shekhar Bhandari.

Автор Записи
17 января, 2025 на 8:23 дп #16604707


Background of the issue:
I am experiencing an issue with WPML on my WordPress website скрытая ссылка. I have translated the 'Join IBAS' page into German using WPML. In the Translation Management section, the status icon next to the German translation shows the eye icon with a 'Review German Language' message. Despite completing the translation and marking it as finished, the German version of the 'Join IBAS' page only displays the English content. I have checked my WPML settings, cleared the cache, and refreshed the permalinks.

The German version of the 'Join IBAS' page displays the English content instead of the translated German content.

Why does the German version of the 'Join IBAS' page display English content despite being marked as finished in WPML?
What steps can I take to ensure the German translation displays correctly on the live site?