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Эта тема содержит 0 ответов, имеет 1 голос.

Последнее обновление: konstantinA-3 6 месяцев, 1 неделя назад.

При содействии: Shekhar Bhandari.

Автор Записи
26 августа, 2024 на 8:44 дп #16103206


Background of the issue:
I am experiencing compatibility issues between WPML and the Paysera payment gateway on my site скрытая ссылка. I rolled back to Paysera version 3.5.2, and it works. Paysera support mentioned that WPML does not have compatibility with Paysera and referred me to Paysera is the most popular payment gateway in Lithuania.

Page not found issue similar to

Is there a way to make WPML compatible with the latest version of Paysera?
Are there any known workarounds for the compatibility issue between WPML and Paysera?
Is there any official documentation or support for integrating WPML with Paysera?