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Последнее обновление: alanC-15 5 месяца, 4 недели назад.

При содействии: Bigul.

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27 марта, 2024 на 4:46 пп #15457331


I have a site with a large number (80k) of posts which each have a featured image. The site is translated into three languages and I want to use the same featured image in each language. I may need to translate the image text (caption, alt, etc.).

I've noticed that for each translation of the post, two rows are added to the database:
1. A Post of type Attachment is added to the Posts table
2. A row with the meta_key _wp_attached_filed is added to the Postmeta table

This is a problem because it makes the database very bloated and searching slow. Is there a way within WPML's settings that I can have the translated posts use the default language featured image so that I can remove the extra rows from the database? Or will I need to add some code to my site to do this?

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