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Часовой пояс сторонника: Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh (GMT+07:00)

Эта тема содержит 0 ответов, имеет 1 голос.

Последнее обновление: benD-11 8 месяцев, 3 недели назад.

При содействии: Long Nguyen.

Автор Записи
10 июня, 2024 на 9:04 дп #15720893


Hi, I have an issue on one of my websites. I have UK, US, PL and NL + IT, FR, DE, CN, PT-BR versions of my site. The first 4 are using english (they are basically duplicates of UK) and the others are in their respective languages. On the english speaking versions, I want the dates and pagination to be in English. But currently the website seems to translate "march" to "maart" in dutch. It's not in the string translation and can't find where/how to disable the translation of days/months/prev/next

Тема '[Закрытые] I want the dates and pagination to be in English' закрыта для новых ответов.