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Последнее обновление: ericS-63 6 дней, 18 часов назад.

При содействии: Itamar.

Автор Записи
17 марта, 2025 на 11:50 дп #16824197


Background of the issue:
I am experiencing an issue with WooCommerce product variations after setting a global attribute (pa_size) to Non-Translatable in WPML. Previously, pa_size was Translatable, but since it only contains numerical values (e.g., "305 cm"), I changed it to Non-Translatable.

Now, when switching languages, the attribute does not appear in product variations unless I manually update the main product (e.g., by changing the price). Additionally, the "Attributes" tab is missing in WPML > WooCommerce Multilingual, preventing me from managing attributes.

How can I force WPML to apply Non-Translatable attributes across all variations without manual updates?
Why is the "Attributes" tab missing from WooCommerce Multilingual settings?
Are there any WPML tools or settings to regenerate variation attributes correctly?