تخطي الملاحة

يحتوي هذا الموضوع رد واحد ، لديه 1صوت.

آخر تحديث بواسطة Amit قبل 9 أشهر، 1 أسبوع.

يساعده: Mihai Apetrei.

مؤلف المقالات
مايو 30, 2024في 4:54 م #15689329


Background of the issue:
I was testing the feedback flow on our support system to see if it works as expected when clients are happy with our support. The page where the issue can be observed is الرابط المخفي

I expected to see more positive feedback in the last two weeks, but I received no feedback (positive or negative) since May 14th.

Why am I not receiving any feedback since May 14th?
Is there an issue with the feedback flow on the website?