تخطي الملاحة


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آخر تحديث بواسطة nicolasL-34 قبل 7 أشهر، 1 أسبوع.

يساعده: Lucas Vidal de Andrade.

مؤلف المقالات
يوليو 25, 2024في 12:59 م


Background of the issue:
I have a Woocommerce site in French that I translated into English using WPML. In the short descriptions of my products, I have links to other products.

When I go to the English versions of my products, I still have the links to the French products in my short descriptions.

How can I translate the links in the short descriptions of my products?
Why are the links in my product descriptions not translating to English?

يوليو 25, 2024في 1:33 م