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آخر تحديث بواسطة ericH-23 قبل شهرين.

يساعده: Paola Mendiburu.

مؤلف المقالات
نوفمبر 18, 2024في 9:44 ص #16413832


Background of the issue:
I am developing a site and using a function code to redirect WooCommerce product links to the shop page. The redirection works in the standard language but not in other languages. This is my code: add_action('template_redirect','custom_shop_page_redirect'); function custom_shop_page_redirect(){ if (class_exists('WooCommerce')){ if(is_product()){ wp_redirect(home_url('/promote/')); exit(); } } return; }

Redirect to shop page in other languages gives a 404 error.

Why does the redirection work in the standard language but not in other languages?
How can I fix the 404 error when redirecting in other languages?