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עודכן לאחרונה על ידי gabrielleH-2 לפני שבוע 1, 3 ימים.

בסיוע: Christopher Amirian.

מחבר פוסטים
פברואר 11, 2025בְּ- 12:04 pm


Background of the issue:
I am trying to pull in the relevant custom posts into their archive pages, but it is pulling the EN posts into other languages. Link to a page where the issue can be seen: קישור נסתר

The French posts are not displaying; instead, English posts are being shown.

Why are English posts appearing on the French archive page?
How can I ensure the correct language posts are displayed on their respective archive pages?

פברואר 11, 2025בְּ- 12:56 pm