דלג על ניווט

נושא זה מכיל 0 תגובות, יש ל 1קוֹל.

עודכן לאחרונה על ידי felixS-23 לפני 8 חודשים, 2 שבועות.

בסיוע: Shekhar Bhandari.

מחבר פוסטים
יוני 24, 2024בְּ- 11:51 am #15806531


Background of the issue:
On the mso website, there are blog posts in German and English. For the German blog posts, a popup opens when the user clicks on them. For the translated posts in English, I don't want this popup to open. The only option I found was to translate the popup into English, but I want no popup to open for English posts.

Popups are opening for translated English blog posts, and I want to disable them.

How can I disable popups for translated English blog posts while keeping them for German posts?