דלג על ניווט


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עודכן לאחרונה על ידי gazmendS לפני חודש 1, 3 שבועות.

בסיוע: Noman.

מחבר פוסטים
ינואר 9, 2025בְּ- 11:34 am #16576883


Background of the issue:
I am trying to ensure that the WPML language switcher displays both English and German on my website קישור נסתר for all users, including in incognito mode or for first-time visitors. I have checked the menu settings and added the language switcher for both languages.

The WPML language switcher only displays English but not German when browsing in incognito mode or for first-time visitors. In regular browsing mode, both languages appear correctly.

What steps should I follow to ensure both languages appear for all users?