Phlox banner

Phlox はWPMLとの互換性およびパートナーシップを継続する推奨テーマです。 Phlox はWPMLとの完全互換性を示します。


– 開発者 Averta

バージョン 2.15.5

テスト最終日: 2月 27, 2024

Phlox is a modern multipurpose theme that makes it easy to create many types of websites such as blogs, portfolios, e-commerce, travel and much more. It includes 170+ website designs and templates that can be imported and edited in Elementor.

Phlox Pro is also compatible with WPML. This version is bundled with Elementor and many other popular third-party plugins that give you a broad range of tools to create the perfect site for you or your business.


現在、このテーマとWPMLの間には未解決の互換性問題はありません。 すべての既知の問題を検索。