Released on:
- Added a feature that creates a cron for collecting user data when given permission.
- Fixed an issue to make sure ‘wp_installer_settings’ is autoloaded.
- Added missing translation POT and PO files.
- Replaced the ‘str_contains’ function with an equivalent one that is backwards compatible.
- Fixed a number of PHP notices.
- Fix a problem when updating WCML standalone without a sitekey.
- We removed the internal repository.sandbox.xml functionality from the Installer.
- The page now refreshes after installing plugins.
- We updated links in the banner informing the user about their Production/Development site.
- We added descriptions for all plugins listed on the Commercial tab.
- We refreshed and improved the user interfaces design for the Installer’s Commercial tab.
- Updated the translations of the plugin’s interface texts (strings).
- Fixed a design issue with the Installer’s spinner icon.
Download and Update
You can get this release directly to the WordPress admin or download and install manually. To receive automatic updates, you need to register WPML on your site. Then, visit the Plugins or Updates admin pages. To download manually, visit your account and go to Downloads. Follow the installation and upgrade instructions for complete details.
When you update WPML, be sure to update together all the components that you are using. Don’t use a mixture of new and older versions.
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We love feedback. To make a suggestion, ask a question or give an idea, leave your comment here. If you need technical support and help troubleshooting problems, please use our technical support forum.