
Ricard Menor consultor SEO Freelance

My site is my professional showcase and looks fwd connecting with a SEO educated audience, looking for answers and mostly service. I am known for being solid and experienced and I live much on outsourcing for agencies: lots of work for re-doing the SEO thing because it went all wrong with other providers. I used WPML on an inherited client site and thought of giving it a go, which turned to be a long paid go.


My site is written in Spanish (es-ES), Catalan (ca-ES/ca) and English (en).
The most outstanding in my setup is the less usual language-per-domain approach.


Used its ancestor theme Shoutbox. I was happy with its performance, so I gave a chance to the newby Enfold, years ago. Still one of my 2 favorite frameworks.

As you can see the experience is totally flat regarding switching languages, despite some contents are – in purpose – either not translated or not matching in shape or content, that is for localization purposes. Main contents are matching or quite similar.

This site got me to top10’s for ages, still there for my core business and planning new things for staying visible in a crowded competition.




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