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Эта тема содержит 0 ответов, имеет 1 голос.

Последнее обновление: רותם שמש 7 месяцев назад.

При содействии: Christopher Amirian.

Автор Записи
4 августа, 2024 на 1:05 пп #16036624

רותם שמש

Background of the issue:
I am trying to get the CSS to fit to the translated version (English - LTR) from Hebrew (RTL). I have problems in the dropdown menu. I even tried separate menus with custom text and even then it stayed in the same width as the Hebrew.

The dropdown menu width in English is set to the original language width (Hebrew).

How can I adjust the dropdown menu width to fit the translated version in English?
Why does the dropdown menu width remain the same as the Hebrew version even with separate menus and custom text?