Background of the issue:
I am trying to resolve an issue with WPML where string translations for a widget are not showing on the front end. I added new items to a widget and modified the XML code to include these new items, but the translations still do not appear. This is a recurring issue similar to one I had before, as discussed in this forum thread: The site I need help with is скрытая ссылка.
String translations for a widget are not showing on the front end despite adding new items and modifying the XML code.
Why are the new widget item translations not showing on the front end?
What steps can I take to ensure the translations update correctly?
7 ноября, 2024 на 8:58 дп
Этот тикет теперь закрыт. Если Вы являетесь клиентом WPML и Вам нужна соответствующая помощь, пожалуйста, откройте новый тикет поддержки.