
本主题包含 0 則回覆 ,有 1 嗓音 。

最后由 egidijusU-2 1 years前 更新。

协助者:: Noman.

作者 文章
27 12 月, 2023 于 10:13 上午 #15131489


We have a bilingual e-shop in LT (Lithuanian) and EN (English). We use dropshipping with 2 suppliers. One provides XML in English, the other in Polish. We imported both XMLs into the LT (Lithuanian) language and indicated that these files are in LT language.

How we use WPML: We duplicate the product description and use 'translate independently' into LT language.

Problem: We realized that doing so makes it inconvenient to publish in English, as it requires an additional second translation. Many products are already translated into LT language.


How, without losing the translated product descriptions, can we switch the XML file import location regarding initial language?
Is there a way to do this other than manual transfer for each product?