Before using WPML:
1. My site is not a multisite.
2. I created a post (in English) in WordPress with the title "This is my first test post," and the URL became 隐藏链接.
3. I have a custom plugin, and using that plugin, I can convert the content of the above post to a different language (e.g., French).
4. When I converted (by using that custom plugin) the content of the above post to French, the URL became 隐藏链接.
After using WPML:
1. When I add a custom language "fr-fr" to WPML instead of pre-defining "fr," the existing post's URL structure breaks, and the URL becomes 隐藏链接.
2. But when I created a new post (in English) with the title "This is my second test post" (隐藏链接) and converted it to French by using WPML's job (隐藏链接), it was working.
Now, my requirement is to have both plugins functioning in my application so that my new posts as well as my existing posts work fine and the URL for existing posts doesn't change.
Note: I have debugged the hooks of WPML a lot and found my request url is redirecting to the post, which is written in English (隐藏链接).