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Error en la página de Translations Queue

发起人: jesus-alonsoE 中: Soporte en español

2 11 4 days, 19 hours前

Paola Mendiburu

Some users are unable to see the translations in the translation queue

发起人: jesus-alonsoE 中: English Support

2 3 2 months, 4 weeks前


translate raw html shortcode ID

发起人: jesus-alonsoE 中: Chat Support

1 2 11 months, 1 weeks前

Split: I'm attempting to translate the front-end element of the nectar_flip_box using the translation interface.

发起人: jesus-alonsoE 中: English Support

2 10 1 years前


Seeking Guidance on String Translation and WS Form ID Issues

发起人: jesus-alonsoE 中: English Support

2 9 1 years, 1 months前


WPML chat support ticket by jesus-alonsoE – 1698765658

发起人: jesus-alonsoE 中: English Support

1 1 1 years, 1 months前

WPML chat support ticket by jesus-alonsoE – 1698666534

发起人: jesus-alonsoE 中: Chat Support

1 2 1 years, 1 months前

Different media translations aren't shown properly on few shortcodes

发起人: jesus-alonsoE 中: English Support

2 3 1 years, 2 months前

Shekhar Bhandari

The issue with media translations

发起人: jesus-alonsoE 中: Chat Support

1 2 1 years, 2 months前

trying to translate a specific URL that is embedded

发起人: jesus-alonsoE 中: Chat Support

1 2 1 years, 3 months前

Translator Redirection Issue

发起人: jesus-alonsoE 中: English Support

2 7 1 years, 3 months前


Sale la etiqueta: en SALIENT (nectar_single_testimonial= 1 2

发起人: jesus-alonsoE 中: Soporte en español

3 16 1 years, 7 months前

Carlos Rojas

所有文章的作者 jesus-alonsoE: