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אזור זמן של תומך: Asia/Yerevan (GMT+04:00)

נושא זה מכיל 1קוֹל ו יש 0 תגובות.


בסיוע: Christopher Amirian.

מחבר פוסטים
ספטמבר 17, 2024בְּ- 1:08 pm #16188495


Background of the issue:
I am experiencing an issue with spam comments appearing in my string-translations on my WordPress site קישור נסתר. I have previously contacted support, and the issue was supposed to be resolved, but the spam comments keep reappearing. These comments are not visible in product reviews or comments in any language on the back-end, only in WPML.

Spam comments are appearing in the string-translations section of WPML, causing database clutter.

How can I prevent the build-up of spam comments in WPML string-translations?

הנושא '[סגור] Spam comments in string-translations ' סגור לתשובות חדשות.