דלג על ניווט


נושא זה מכיל 0 תגובות, יש ל 1קוֹל.

עודכן לאחרונה על ידי sebastianK-50 לפני 5 חודשים, 2 שבועות.

בסיוע: Nicolas V..

מחבר פוסטים
ספטמבר 17, 2024בְּ- 1:42 pm #16188793


Background of the issue:
I am trying to translate a page from English to German on קישור נסתר using WPML. I have translated every segment, but it says that 6 segments are still missing. This issue also occurs when translating from English to Japanese.

Translation progression stays at 88% and can't be finished.

Why does WPML indicate that 6 segments are still missing when I have translated every segment?
How can I resolve the issue of the translation progression staying at 88%?