[Ожидание подтверждения пользователя] Сплит: why you give me a choice of other engines
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I dont really understand why I have to assign credits. Second, If I bought WPML why you give me a choice of other engines? Which one I have to choose? Are they do the same work? which one is the best with the translation? Of course I can choose the one which is cheaper.... What will happen if I choose Google translation for example? I have been already using it before on my website, but I didnt like the translation. Why then I bought WPML plug in for 100 euro if you advise me again google and Microsoft translation???? I don't need then wpml translation. I tont understand how it works. Please explain
As you know, WPML offers an automatic translation feature, and by default, it uses DeepL for translating your content. However, if you'd like to use a different translation engine, you have that option. WPML supports four translation engines, each with its unique strengths and pricing. This flexibility is important because automatic translation engines vary in their translation style and the language pairs they support. If your preferred translation engine does not support a specific language pair, WPML will automatically switch to your next preferred engine that does.