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JetElements For Elementor é um plugin recomendado graças a seu compromisso com a contínua compatibilidade e parceria com o WPML. JetElements For Elementor étotalmente compatível com o WPML.

JetElements For Elementor

– Desenvolvido por Crocoblock

Versão 2.6.15 (Problemas conhecidos)

Testado pela última vez em: janeiro 16, 2024

JetElements is an Elementor plugin that helps to add and customize any content on the website. This plugin contains 40+ widgets to create designs, as well as static and dynamic content elements. Most of the widgets support dynamic fields from JetEngine.

Examples of widgets: Countdown timer, Section parallax, Instagram feed, Subscription form, Image comparison slider, Responsive tables, and so on.

Problemas conhecidos

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