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AbroadLink Translations

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Learn how to translate WordPress sites with AbroadLink Translations and WPML. Discover which translation services AbroadLink Translations offers, and how to get started with WPML.

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About AbroadLink Translations

AbroadLink has been offering comprehensive professional translation services to multinational companies, start-ups and top-level SMEs since its foundation in 2002 . Its processes are certified to ISO 9001 for quality management, ISO 13485 for medical devices and ISO 17100 for translation services.

At AbroadLink, you will find a commitment between competitive rates and high-quality translations. Its standard translation service implies the use of professional linguists translating into their mother tongue and having a 5-year minimum experience in a particular field of specialization: agri-food, financial and accounting, legal, dental, medical, technical, marketing, IT, tourism or pharmacy.

AbroadLink uses one of the most comprehensive TMS (Translation Memory Systems) with the capacity to integrate with your company documentation workflow through its API interface.

Getting started with AbroadLink Translations and WPML

To send content for translation to AbroadLink Translations, install the following plugins on your website:

  • WPML Multilingual CMS – the core plugin
  • WPML String Translation – this plugin will allow you to translate interface strings

You can download them from your wpml.org account. If you do not have an account yet, you can create a new one by choosing WPML Multilingual CMS or Multilingual Agency plans.

Working with AbroadLink Translations via WPML

Here are the basic steps of working with WPML and AbroadLink Translations. For a full walkthrough, check out our page about using WPML with a translation service.

Connecting Your Website to AbroadLink Translations

First, you need to connect WPML with AbroadLink Translations. You need an API Token to connect AbroadTranslations with your site.

You can directly request your API token at Abroadlink’s site. It is important that you specify the email address you want them to use for communication related to translation projects submitted through WPML. You will also need to provide them with the URL of the website you are requesting it for.

Sending content for translation

Once your site is connected to AbroadLink Translations, you can start sending your content for translation.

Receive a quotation from AbroadLink Translations

As soon as you have sent your content, AbroadLink will prepare a quote that will be sent to the email address provided so that you can analyze and approve it. To approve it, simply click on the link sent by email.

If you are unsure of the compatibility of the plug-ins used on your site, you can contact AbroadLink at wpml@abroadlink.com so that they can perform a compatibility analysis and identify potential problems before starting the process.

If for time and efficiency reasons you prefer AboradLink to manage the translation process with WPML for your company, just contact them at wpml@abroadlink.com. Bear in mind that they will need administrator rights to be able to help you. After your approval, translations will get started and completed within the estimated timeframe indicated in the quote.

Receiving completed translations

Once AbroadLink has completed the translations, they will send them through WPML and will notify you.

Once done, your site is ready to receive completed translations.

Canceling translation jobs

You can’t cancel submitted translation jobs directly from WPML. If you wish to cancel a job for any reason, you will need to contact AbroadLink immediately so that they can cancel it. A job can be canceled at any time and for any reason, although you may be charged for costs incurred, if any. Once the jobs are canceled, you will be notified immediately.

Read more about canceling translation jobs sent to a professional service.

Translating the Rest of Your Site

Once you’re done translating the content of your page, there could be untranslated texts in menus, sidebars, and similar places. No problem, you can use AbroadLink Translations to translate the rest of your site.

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