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We just released an update to WPML, improving performance and resolving a number of glitches. See what’s new, inmproved and fixed.

WPML 3.5.2

  • Fixed some issues when using a multi-site configuration
  • Fixed some issues with browser-redirection
  • Fixed a compatibility issue with WordPress 4.6+
  • Ensured the correct source language is used when sending translation jobs to translation services
  • Reduced the number of queries in the posts listing pages
  • Users can now login across domains when WPML is configured to use languages per domain (it uses the window.postMessage web API)
  • Improved usability of the admin notice “Term hierarchy synchronization”

Translation Management 2.2.3

  • Extra fields received from translation services display correctly in WPML admin
  • Fixed some issues when using a multi-site configuration
  • Fixed some compatibility issues with Advanced Custom Fields plugin
  • Fixed validation of Mac OS zipped XLIFF files
  • Reduced the number of queries in the posts listing pages

String Translation 2.4.2

  • Improved detection of URLs used to store data in icl_string_urls – this change greatly reduces the size of the string_pages table, but including only entries for “types” of pages and not for individual pages.
  • Added an option to dismiss all admin notices for installed/updated plugin strings scanning

Media Translation 2.1.23

  • Fixed an issue with front-end navigation for attachments
  • Adapted the batch limit depending on active languages and introduced the WPML_MEDIA_BATCH_LIMIT constant to override this value

Gravity Forms Multilingual 1.3.12

  • Some forms elements which were not translatable , now can be translated (e.g. the “Save and Continue Later” button)
  • Fixed a fatal error when registering strings with Unicode characters

Download and update

You will receive this update automatically to all your registered sites. You can also download the updates from your WPML.org account. This is a minor update, but it’s always a good idea to back up your site before updating WordPress, the theme and plugins.

Next Up

This is a maintenance release. WPML team is continuing with the work on version 3.6 with major new features (new and improved language switcher, translation for page builders and more).


WPML team is eager to hear your feedback. For questions ideas and suggestions, write your comments here. If you need technical help, best to first post in our technical support forum. You’re welcome to post comments here, linking to forum threads and I’ll follow up.