Problem: The client transferred their test environment to a live setting and mistakenly transferred the translation memory to the new URL. They needed to remove the translation memory link between two pages and reset the translation memory for a specific language translation. Solution: Please open a new support ticket at our support forum.
Problem: You are using WPML and trying to enable the automatic translation option, but encounter an issue with mapping the default language, English, to a supported language. The error message indicates that English must be mapped to a supported language to use automatic translation, and the 'map the language' button does not provide a column to map the language.
Solution: We recommend the following steps to resolve this issue: 1. Deactivate all plugins except WPML and String Translation. 2. Switch to the Classic Translation Editor in WPML -> Settings -> Translation Editor and save the settings. 3. Switch back to the Advanced Translation Editor and save the settings again. 4. In WPML -> Translation Management Dashboard, enable 'Translate Everything Automatically' and select to translate only future content and to publish without review temporarily. 5. These steps should refresh the database entries and settings for WPML, allowing the language mapping column to appear correctly in WPML -> Languages -> Edit Languages. 6. After verifying that everything is working correctly, turn off automatic translation (if needed), reactivate all your plugins, and switch back to your original theme.
If this solution does not resolve your issue or seems outdated, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If the problem persists, please open a new support ticket at WPML support forum for further assistance.
Problem: When switching the site language to English and clicking on the logo, instead of redirecting to the homepage, it leads to a different page or shows a 404 error. Solution: This issue occurs because the homepage has not been translated into the secondary language (English). When the site is translated, the homepage URL changes to include language parameters, such as
. To resolve this, you need to translate the homepage into English. Once translated, clicking the logo in the English version will correctly redirect to the English homepage instead of showing a 404 error.
If this solution does not apply to your case, or if it seems outdated, we recommend opening a new support ticket. We also advise checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. For further assistance, please visit our support forum at WPML Support Forum.
Если данное решение не актуально или не помогло, рекомендуем проверить известные проблемы, убедиться в актуальности версии плагина и установленных темах и плагинах. В случае дальнейших вопросов, пожалуйста, откройте новый тикет поддержки.