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Studio Tre

Connect your WordPress website to Studio Tre using WPML and start sending content for translation from within the admin dashboard.

Service Offered


What is Studio Tre?

Studio Tre is an Italian translation agency providing a wide range of services including translation, interpreting, localization, transcreation, subtitling, and voiceover. The agency supports both European and non-European languages, and works with a network of 1500+ native translators specializing in sectors like industry, tourism, law, science, and advertising.

Переводите с помощью Studio Tre и WPML

Панель управления WPML Translation Management упрощает перевод Вашего сайта с помощью Studio Tre. Просто выберите, какой контент Вы хотите перевести, на какие языки, и отправьте в Studio Tre.

Начните работать с Studio Tre

Чтобы переводить с помощью Studio Tre и WPML, Вам нужен тарифный план WPML Multilingual CMS или Multilingual Agency, а также учётная запись Studio Tre.

После создания учётной записи Вам понадобится токен доступа для подключения WPML к Studio Tre.

Отзывы о Studio Tre


5 stars

Fast and accurate!

I cannot express how impressed I am with the website translation service I received. From start to finish, it was a seamless and exceptional experience. First and foremost, the quality of the translation was outstanding. The website content was translated accurately and fluently, maintaining the original tone and message. The turnaround time was remarkable as well. I expected the translation process to take much longer, but they delivered ahead of schedule, allowing me to launch my multilingual website sooner than anticipated. Communication with their team was easy and efficient and their pricing was fair and competitive: the quality of their work far exceeded the cost, making it a great value. Overall, I highly recommend Studio Tre for their website translation service.

Moreno Barel