Problem: The client is trying to correct some links in the footer of their website after translating the footer. They edited these links in the original Greek language, but the changes did not reflect in the English translation. Solution: If you're experiencing this issue, we recommend you try the following steps: 1. Make a small change in the footer to trigger the need for translation. 2. Navigate to WordPress Dashboard > WPML > Translation Management. 3. Send the footer for translation and select yourself as the translator. 4. Go to WordPress Dashboard > WPML > Translations. 5. Click the Translate button next to the footer in the table. 6. You will see the Advanced Translation Editor, which shows all the content of the original language on the left and the translated content on the right. 7. Try to find the links there and edit the translation as needed. If you cannot find it, use the search bar at the top to search for the link.
Please note that this solution might be irrelevant if it’s outdated or not applicable to your case. We highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If the issue persists, please open a new support ticket at WPML support forum.
Problem: If you're experiencing an issue where your credit balance is not updating after making a payment on your WPML plugin, it might be due to the type of credit system used on your site. Solution: We recommend checking if your site uses a pay-as-you-go credits model. In this model, the charges for credits already used are applied in the following month. Therefore, any payment you make will be for the credits that have already been consumed up to the date of the payment. For instance, if you made a payment, it would cover all the credits used until a specific future date (e.g., 2024-12-05), and your used credits would then reset to 0. This means that the payment will not immediately reflect as an increase in your current credit balance on the dashboard since it's intended to clear the consumed credits.
If this explanation does not seem to apply to your situation, or if you find the information possibly outdated or not relevant to your specific case, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. Additionally, if you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to open a new support ticket with us at WPML support forum.
Problema: Stai cercando di tradurre automaticamente le URL, ma solo la categoria viene tradotta, non il nome dell'articolo. Hai impostato in WPML l'opzione per tradurre l'URL della pagina, che include lo slug nella traduzione, ma l'URL risulta parzialmente tradotta. Soluzione: Se hai impostato l'opzione "Copialo dalla lingua originale se la lingua di traduzione utilizza URL codificati", il sistema copierà lo slug dall'originale senza tradurlo. Attualmente, la soluzione consigliata è modificare manualmente gli slug. Una soluzione automatica sarà disponibile nella nuova versione dell'editor, prevista per il prossimo anno, che non è correlata all'aggiornamento di WPML.
Se questa soluzione non risolve il tuo problema o se ritieni che le informazioni siano obsolete, ti invitiamo a consultare la pagina dei problemi noti e a verificare che tu abbia installato le versioni più recenti dei temi e dei plugin. Se necessario, apri un nuovo ticket di supporto sul forum di supporto WPML.
Problema: El cliente no puede ver las traducciones en la versión del idioma de la página, a pesar de que los iconos de lápiz indican que existe una traducción. Solución: 1. Ve a la entrada original y haz clic en actualizar. 2. Abre el editor de traducción y completa la traducción. 3. Verifica si la traducción ahora aparece correctamente.
Si esta solución no resuelve tu problema o si la información proporcionada se ha vuelto irrelevante, te recomendamos abrir un nuevo ticket de soporte. También es aconsejable revisar los problemas conocidos y confirmar que tienes instaladas las últimas versiones de los temas y plugins. Para más asistencia, visita nuestro foro de soporte.
Problema: El cliente experimentó problemas con la instalación del plugin WPML en su sitio, donde las traducciones no se completaron correctamente, las páginas en inglés y español mostraban contenido solo en español, las banderas de idioma se mostraban incorrectamente, y surgieron errores 402 después de la instalación del plugin. Solución: 1. Se sugirió al cliente que reactive el plugin WPML para poder diagnosticar el problema de manera más efectiva. 2. Se recomendó realizar una copia de seguridad antes de proporcionar acceso temporal a WPML para una revisión más detallada. 3. Se aconsejó al cliente que, en caso de problemas persistentes, facilitara un video o capturas de pantalla del problema para un análisis más detallado. 4. Finalmente, se confirmó que el comportamiento observado en las banderas y las traducciones era el esperado y no un error.
Si la solución proporcionada resulta irrelevante debido a que está desactualizada o no aplica a tu caso, te recomendamos abrir un nuevo ticket de soporte. También es altamente recomendable que revises los problemas conocidos, verifiques la versión de la solución permanente y confirmes que tienes instaladas las últimas versiones de los temas y plugins. Si necesitas más ayuda, no dudes en contactarnos en el foro de soporte de WPML.