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发起人: designJ-2 中: English Support

2 2 1 months, 3 weeks前

Andreas W.

Custom string made in functions.php is not translated

发起人: markusS-78 中: English Support

2 7 1 months, 3 weeks前

Carlos Rojas

Tengo una página con código php que incrusto en un artículo a través de un iframe, cómo lo trad…

发起人: enaraf 中: Soporte en español

2 7 1 months, 3 weeks前

Carlos Rojas

Query Paramater + Verzeichniss

发起人: thomasJ-28 中: Chat Support

1 2 1 months, 3 weeks前

Translate CPT slug

发起人: Kresimir 中: English Support

2 14 1 months, 3 weeks前


Traduction de shorcode

发起人: aurelienP-3 中: Assistance en français

2 4 1 months, 3 weeks前


Adding posts in a second language and making available in all languages

发起人: ericH-23 中: English Support

3 12 1 months, 4 weeks前


String translation doesnt work

发起人: reufJ 中: Chat Support

1 2 1 months, 4 weeks前

Missing DE orders in the WC GET API

发起人: dennisv-7 中: English Support

2 8 1 months, 4 weeks前


How to get Permalink for translated POST

发起人: hissamK-2 中: Chat Support

1 2 1 months, 4 weeks前

Want to modify batch name

发起人: seemaD 中: English Support

2 5 1 months, 4 weeks前


Please help me send credits to the website.

发起人: mateuszB-3 中: Chat Support

1 2 1 months, 4 weeks前

URLs like /?page_id=10 are not taking me to the right translated page

发起人: angeloL-10 中: Chat Support

1 2 1 months, 4 weeks前

WPML – The WordPress Multilingual Plugin

发起人: andrewH-54 中: Chat Support

1 2 1 months, 4 weeks前

I would like to translate a placeholder & a carousel section

发起人: stephanS-52 中: Chat Support

1 2 1 months, 4 weeks前