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Site Kit by Google إضافة موصى بها بفضل التزامها بالتوافق المتواصل والشراكة WPML. Site Kit by Google متوافق تمامًا مع WPML.

Site Kit by Google

– المطور: Google

الإصدار 1.83.0

آخر اختبار في: سبتمبر 19, 2022

Site Kit shares insights from Google Analytics, Search Console, AdSense, PageSpeed Insights, Tag Manager, and Optimize on your WordPress dashboard. It is the official plugin from Google and is free and open-source. It can be setup in as few as 3 steps, and keeps you motivated by notifying you of major milestones.

Site Kit provides stats for your entire site, as well as insights for each specific page. When browsing your site’s front-end, you can view page-specific stats directly in the admin toolbar.

المشكلات المعروفة

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