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بدأ ب: Rut Abrado في: Chat Support
بدأ ب: Rut Abrado في: English Support
Christopher Amirian
بدأ ب: Rut Abrado في: Soporte en español
Rut Abrado
بدأ ب: Rut Abrado في: English Support الحل السريع متاح
Problem: ACF fields labels are being shown when translating my content, I don't want these labels to be trnaslatable Solution: I was able to fix this by adding the following line of code under your wp-config.php :
You could read more about it here : https://wpml.org/documentation/support/wpml-coding-api/wpml-constants/#acfml_exclude_field_group_strings_in_post_jobs
This will exclude your ACF field's labels from the translation editor. Relevant Documentation: https://wpml.org/documentation/support/wpml-coding-api/wpml-constants/#acfml_exclude_field_group_strings_in_post_jobs
Osama Mersal