דלג על ניווט

נושא זה מכיל 0 תגובות, יש ל 1קוֹל.

עודכן לאחרונה על ידי creodeD לפני 9 חודשים, 2 שבועות.

בסיוע: Nicolas V..

מחבר פוסטים
מאי 28, 2024בְּ- 2:22 pm #15679087


Background of the issue:
I am using the WPML plugin to translate a page from English to Bulgarian using the Advanced Translation Editor. The functionality was working correctly throughout the day.

Although I can complete the translation, the job remains with a status of 'In progress' in the Translation queue, and the translated content does not appear on the front end. This issue now occurs with any page I attempt to translate, and there are no error messages indicating why a job cannot be completed.

Why does the translation job remain marked as 'In progress' in the Translation queue despite completing the translation?
Why doesn't the translated content appear on the front end after completing the translation?