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Autoptimize é um plugin recomendado graças a seu compromisso com a contínua compatibilidade e parceria com o WPML. Autoptimize étotalmente compatível com o WPML.


– Desenvolvido por Frank Goossens (futtta)

Versão 3.1.11

Testado pela última vez em: junho 20, 2024

Autoptimize is a free plugin that specializes in optimizing your site’s HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code. This can greatly improve your site’s speed, your search engine ranking, and your site’s user experience.

Autoptimize works by aggregating, minifying, and caching scripts and style files. It also optimizes images and Google Fonts and enables lazy loading. This means your page is not only smaller, but it also reduces the number of requests to the server. The page takes a shorter amount of time to load, and the page load speed and rendering are faster.

Please note: Autoptimize does best when paired with a caching plugin to provide even better performance.

Problemas conhecidos

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