Problem: You are trying to translate pages built with Elementor using WPML's Multilingual Tools, but only the menu on the left side is translated, not the content in the middle of the page. Solution: After adding the custom XML configuration, you need to refresh the page by saving it. You can see how to do this in a screen recording here. Once you've done that, the contents will appear for translation, and you must complete it before the translation will show up on the frontend.
If this solution does not resolve your issue, or if it seems outdated or not applicable to your case, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If you still need assistance, please open a new support ticket here.
Problema: Il cliente desidera sapere quanti crediti di traduzione sono stati utilizzati per traduzioni in cinese. Soluzione: Se stai cercando di calcolare i crediti di traduzione utilizzati per una singola lingua, ti consigliamo di accedere a WPML > Gestione Traduzioni > Tools. Qui puoi scaricare il report delle traduzioni effettuate, che include dettagli sulla lingua e il numero di parole tradotte.
Se questa soluzione non dovesse essere più rilevante, perché potrebbe essere datata o non applicabile al tuo caso, ti invitiamo a aprire un nuovo ticket di supporto. Ti consigliamo vivamente di controllare i problemi noti, verificare la versione della correzione permanente e confermare che hai installato le ultime versioni di temi e plugin. Per assistenza ulteriore, visita il forum di supporto WPML.
Problem: You are trying to translate content using WPML and after editing a translation text, you encounter an issue where the original sentence includes formatting markers, but not all markers are applied to the translation. Solution: Markers will need to be set manually and in some cases need manual adjustment having performed an automatic translation. You will need to mark the segment and then click the marker.
Please note that this solution might be outdated or not applicable to your specific case. We highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If the issue persists, please open a new support ticket at WPML support forum for further assistance.
Problème : Le client, Mathias, possède une licence 'lifetime' WPML et souhaite activer 2000 crédits sur plusieurs sites, certains affichant un crédit à 0. Il cherche également à récupérer et transférer les crédits de sites qui n'existent plus. Il a suivi la documentation mais ne trouve pas l'onglet 'Outils / Tools' pour effectuer le transfert. Solution : Nous avons confirmé que les 2000 crédits sont attribués uniquement lors de l'enregistrement d'un site et ne sont pas transférables entre les sites. Pour le site, nous avons manuellement attribué les 2000 crédits. Concernant l'onglet 'Outils / Tools' non trouvé, cela pourrait être dû à une version du plugin qui ne l'inclut pas ou à des permissions d'utilisateur restreintes.
Si cette solution ne résout pas votre problème ou semble dépassée, nous vous recommandons de vérifier les problèmes connus, de confirmer que vous avez installé les dernières versions des thèmes et plugins, et de vérifier la version du correctif permanent. Si nécessaire, n'hésitez pas à ouvrir un nouveau ticket de support sur notre forum de support.
Problem: The client is experiencing an issue where the automatic translation process is stuck at 0% progress and does not change, despite following initial troubleshooting steps. Additionally, after reactivating the WPML plugin, the client noticed that the site and widgets were not displayed in the 'Translation Management' or 'String Translation' sections. There was also a persistent 'Waiting for Translator' status that could not be cleared, and layout issues in the translated versions of pages.
Solution: We recommended the following steps to resolve the issues: 1. Go to
WPML > Settings
and set the Translation mode to 'Translate what you choose'. 2. Navigate to
WPML > Support > Troubleshooting
and click on several buttons to clear caches and synchronize settings. 3. Change the Translation mode back to 'Translate Everything Automatically' and attempt to translate all content. 4. For the layout issues, we updated the translation preferences of specific fields to 'Copy' to ensure that page settings are correctly applied to translations.
If these steps do not resolve the issue or if the solution seems outdated or irrelevant to your case, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If problems persist, please open a new support ticket for further assistance.