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I started the auto-translation, the pages are not being translated, but the amount of money is incre…

Начато по: alinaD-5 в: Chat Support

1 2 1 неделя, 2 дня назад


Kurdish language have issue

Начато по: frmanA в: English Support

1 5 1 неделя, 2 дня назад


Automatic translate issue

Начато по: annaK-50 в: Chat Support

0 2 1 неделя, 2 дня назад


After duplicating an article and translating it, WPML translates the article for me, but the transla…

Начато по: marekD-9 в: English Support
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1 12 1 неделя, 3 дня назад

Christopher Amirian

Split: "13 automatic translations are in progress" showing since yesterday

Начато по: aymanE в: English Support

0 4 1 неделя, 3 дня назад

Mihai Apetrei

Translations disappear at the page back-end

Начато по: marinoD в: English Support

0 20 1 неделя, 3 дня назад

Waqas Bin Hasan

nel traslation editor non compaiono i link dei bottoni avada

Начато по: lorenzoP-2 в: Chat Support

0 2 1 неделя, 3 дня назад


Marcatori di Traduzione non incorporati correttamente

Начато по: fabioP-18 в: Assistenza in italiano
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0 2 1 неделя, 3 дня назад


Not all parts of the page are translated!

Начато по: husainA-5 в: English Support
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1 6 1 неделя, 4 дня назад


Not all parts of the page are translated!

Начато по: husainA-5 в: English Support
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0 2 1 неделя, 5 дней назад


The following target languages do not support automatic translations: English UK

Начато по: shsC в: English Support
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0 2 1 неделя, 6 дней назад


which transation method should i choose ? google ? or azure or wpml as pricing is different, i have …

Начато по: shsC в: English Support
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1 11 1 неделя, 6 дней назад


Сплит: как нам узнать сколько еще необходимо оплатить

Начато по: Евгений Василевич в: Поддержка на русском языке

0 2 1 неделя, 6 дней назад


Completed translations in translation editor registered as completed in the Translations panel not d…

Начато по: borkoK-2 в: English Support
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0 25 1 неделя, 6 дней назад
