



状态 主题
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The Gravity Form can’t be translated or duplicate the content.

发起人: nicholasC-18 中: English Support

1 7 1 hours, 28 minutes前


How do I read the translation credit usage report?

发起人: nicholasC-18 中: English Support

0 2 3 weeks, 6 days前

Mihai Apetrei

The translated regions, countries and ports are still cannot be displayed

发起人: nicholasC-18 中: English Support

1 10 1 months前

Long Nguyen

Unable to translate the specified page with CPT

发起人: nicholasC-18 中: English Support

0 5 1 months, 1 weeks前


How do I read the translation credit usage report?

发起人: nicholasC-18 中: Chat Support

1 2 3 months, 1 weeks前

set EN in one font size and CN in a different font size after translation

发起人: nicholasC-18 中: Chat Support

1 2 1 years, 8 months前

Exclude brand name during auto translation

发起人: nicholasC-18 中: English Support

2 2 1 years, 8 months前


need to add extra content to the translation page

发起人: nicholasC-18 中: Chat Support

1 2 1 years, 9 months前

Split: how to keep the English date format for Chinese

发起人: nicholasC-18 中: English Support

2 3 1 years, 10 months前

Faisal Ahammad

Language Switcher doesn't display on some pages

发起人: nicholasC-18 中: English Support

2 6 1 years, 11 months前

Faisal Ahammad

所有文章的作者 nicholasC-18: