



状态 主题
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After the translation, the media files have become quite large. I want to remove the translated medi…

发起人: valentinB-22 中: Chat Support

1 2 3 months, 1 weeks前

WPML not works properly, portuguese or spanish language on the freench version of the website

发起人: valentinB-22 中: Chat Support

1 2 3 months, 1 weeks前

I have translated the website automatic but menus are not translated

发起人: valentinB-22 中: English Support

2 5 3 months, 1 weeks前

Bruno Kos

I need to setup to translated menus

发起人: valentinB-22 中: Chat Support

1 2 3 months, 1 weeks前

I need help to translate the website template , menus and products

发起人: valentinB-22 中: Chat Support

1 2 3 months, 1 weeks前

Issue with automatic translations

发起人: valentinB-22 中: Chat Support

1 2 3 months, 2 weeks前

i want to setup WPML on my new site https://exoticdesign.fr/, but automatic transitional is not ruin…

发起人: valentinB-22 中: English Support

2 2 3 months, 2 weeks前


i want to setup WPML on my new site

发起人: valentinB-22 中: Chat Support

1 2 3 months, 2 weeks前

string translation issue

发起人: valentinB-22 中: English Support

3 7 4 months, 3 weeks前

Prosenjit Barman

string translation issue

发起人: valentinB-22 中: Chat Support

1 2 5 months前

string translation issue

发起人: valentinB-22 中: Chat Support

1 2 5 months前

string translation issue

发起人: valentinB-22 中: Chat Support

1 2 6 months, 1 weeks前

string translation issue

发起人: valentinB-22 中: English Support

2 8 6 months, 2 weeks前

Waqar Ali

The WooCommerce analytics section hasn't updated order and revenue data

发起人: valentinB-22 中: Chat Support

1 2 6 months, 3 weeks前

Add a coupon string translation issue

发起人: valentinB-22 中: English Support

2 5 6 months, 3 weeks前


所有文章的作者 valentinB-22: