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WooCommerce Multilingual 3.2 gives you much greater flexibility with product pricing in different languages, supports WooCommerce 2.1, improves compatibility, performance and stability.

Compatibility with WooCommerce 2.1

WooCommerce 2.1 is almost here. It includes nice improvements and changes to API functions and admin screens. This version of WooCommerce Multilingual works great on both the 2.0.x and 2.1.x versions. No thrills, just solid functionality.

So, if you’re planning to upgrade to WooCommerce 2.1, here is one less thing to be worried about 🙂

Choose which currencies to display for each language

Many e-commerce sites need to limit the currencies, according to the display language. WooCommerce Multilingual 3.2 lets you choose which currencies to display for each language.

Configure currencies
Configure currencies

This way, you can choose which currencies your visitors will see available when they switch languages.

Set individual pricing per currency

More on currencies! If you are using multiple currencies, you can now manually set the prices, per product per currency.

Setting custom prices
Setting custom prices

You can set the regular prices, sales price and even variations prices for each language. We’ve paid special attention to performance, ensuring that this powerful new feature doesn’t slow down either your WordPress admin or the front-end products display.

To read everything about pricing per currency, including how to add a currency switcher to your theme, have a look at the multi-currency documentation page.

Translation for attribute base

‘Attribute base’ is the root URL of your products. Now, you can translate it and optimize your site’s URLs in different languages.

If you’re obsessive about SEO (like we are), you’ll enjoy this new feature.

More translation languages

WooCommerce Multilingual is now officially fully localized to the following 18 languages:

Spanish, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Japanese, German, French, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, Greek, Swedish, Korean, Polish, Portuguese and Vietnamese.

The newest language, which we’ve added in this release is Vietnamese. More Asian languages coming soon.

We localize all our plugins using ICanLocalize’s Software Localization system. It’s a self service system, which lets you upload .po files, choose languages and get your product translated by expert translators. If you’re thinking about how to expand your market to other countries, you should definitely consider this option.

Bug fixes

No new version is ever complete without some bugs crushed. Isn’t it great to see that the number of bugs and their severity keeps going down 🙂

Here are the major bugs fixed in WooCommerce Multilingual 3.2:

  • Emails not sent in the correct language when uses bulk action on orders list page
  • Order notes email in wrong language in certain circumstances
  • Shipping method names are being registered in the wrong language
  • WooCommerce Multilingual menu doesn’t display for translators
  • Using ‘category’ for products cat slug conflicts with posts ‘category’
  • Paypal rejects payments with decimals on certain currencies

Download and upgrade

You should get an automated update for WooCommerce Multilingual during the next day. You can always download it manually from the WordPress downloads page. While you’re at it, be nice and rate the plugin? The entire development, support and QA team will be happy to receive your rating.

If you’re having any trouble with this release, start a new thread in the WooCommerce Multilingual support section of our technical forum.

Ideas? Suggestions? Questions? Let us know by leaving your comments here!